Where do we 
really really come from​​​​​​​
Where are we really really came from,72.7 x 60.6, 10.18.21
I had one experience. 
I met one friend who is living her whole life in one country as belongs to Nation. However, others keep asking where she originally come from. Although we are just an organic organisation from the Earth, I wonder why people constantly ask this question even though the only thing of their difference is appearance.
What is literally organic organisation?

For the absolute condition of Organic organisation, it needs to have fluidity. This definition can through with our life. When one breathes the last breath after “it” cannot move anymore because “it” lost its own fluidity.
For this reason, I searched for what can be an example of an organism in our nature. I chose one spore of mushrooms. Because when my grandfather passed away, I found his skin tone turned to that yellow when his soul just came out. This change seems like when mushroom gives off their spore; death. That time it loses fluidity. On the other, I chose pictures when I had a much more fluid moment. 
I put this together and drew a 3sequence image tent to seem like a moving image. 
Painting on canvas is moving when I interpret these images on canvas it also depends on how I brush on the canvas.
↑prototype of work

Thank you :)
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