Wash machine
Panel GUI

Wash machine
service planning

< Customized automatic washing program using DB >
Problem: It's troublesome to run the washing machine, and I forget

Solution: A washing machine that learns the user's usage habits and makes them run automatically

1-1 (First use) User turns on the washing machine to run the washing machine
1-2 5 times DB measurement (notify the user of DB measurement upon initial use)
After measuring 1-3 DB, the user leaves the laundry in the washing machine
If left 1-4, the laundry will turn according to the DB.
1-5 Send the user a notification that the washing machine is running to his or her mobile phone or sound notification
Conclusion User may say Leave/or conclusion Have some conclusion.
< Laundry option program that changes according to season >
Problem: Winter: When using the washing machine, it freezes/Summer: When using the washing machine, the water supply of hot water should be set daily

Solution: A washing machine that, like an app or navigation on your phone, receives information over Wi-Fi to suggest variations in washing machine Settings according to season

2-1 User turns on the washing machine to run the washing machine
It informs the current season and temperature based on 2-2 Wi-Fi and water supply control information window
2-3 Running machine
2-4 When the user picks up the laundry after the laundry is finished, suggest setting the faucet to prevent freezing
2-5 Automatically adjust the faucet without requiring users to make extra efforts to prevent freezing
< UI difficulty control program according to user's information >
Problem: Depending on the user's age, understanding of the device
Different levels of difficulty experienced by users

Solution: When a user is in front of a washing machine or operating a screen, the user's hand size, height, and age are detected, and the user environment is configured with the detected data.

3-1 The user presses the power button on the panel and combines the information on the appearance to recognize the user's age
Suggest a corresponding information window after the message.
3-2 washing machine says age analysis is finished
3-3 Personalized menu construction by making letters size spacing words different according to information
< A program to improve the maturity of washing by detecting the operating cycle of washing machines >
Problem: Depending on the degree of contamination in the clothing during the operation of the washing machine, there will be a deviation in the completion of the washing machine

Solution: Detect the washing machine's cycle to increase water levels or to set latency based on the elapsed date from the previous run

4-1 User washes and turns off the power.
4-2 Save information on the last washed date on the hardware
4-3 Redo laundry guide how many days have elapsed since the last wash, analyze (guess) contamination, and guide the appropriate hang options
4-4 Guided Execution of hangout options
< Differentiation of notification sounds according to laundry mode >
Problem: What mode a washing machine is operating in, or the residual time depending on the mode, is unguessed other than the visual information presented to the machine

Solution: When operating the laundry button, the mode notifies you differently when the washing is in operation or when the washing is finished so that you can recognize the operating mode without looking at the panel for the auditory signal without looking at the washing machine.

5-1 User sets laundry mode.
When setting mode 5-2, different sounds will be output for each mode
While running a 5-3 wash, it prints out the voice and plays the sound so the user can recognize what mode is running.
< Notice of time extension due to weight detection >
Problem: The large amount of laundry when doing laundry requires you to set the mode manually, which is a hassle to operate.

Solution: The washing machine uses a weight detection system to automate the time extension depending on the weight.

6-1 User powers the washing machine.
6-2 User selection of self-mode
6-3 Mode selection, press the play button, and automatically run the weight detection program
Notification of extension time according to 6-4 weight detection.
Prototype. Yoon Seo Lee, Minjeong Kim
Production. Yoon Seo Lee

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